Links to Other Rockhound Clubs
Please find below a partial list of mineralogically-inclined clubs within reasonable distance of Ann Arbor or on the web. If you know of others that should be here, please let us know!
ROAMIN CLUB: Northwestern Wayne County. They sponsor field trips, and have access to a lapidary shop. Their big annual event is a large auction in early spring to benefit rock-related education at Schoolcraft College.
FRIENDS OF MINERALOGY, Midwest Chapter (FM): Covers an 8-state area and sponsors field trips and a mineral show in the Fall that focuses significantly on rock-related education.
MICHIGAN ROCKHOUNDS: primarily based in Northern lower Michigan and the UP, they sponsor field trips, have discounts on some lapidary equipment through affiliation with Kingsly North, and sports a huge membership via Facebook.
MICHIGAN GEM AND MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY (MGMS): located in the greater Jackson area, MGMS sponsors a show in the spring, field trips, a swap, event at member meetings and a “makers” group.
MIDWEST MINERALOGICAL AND LAPIDARY SOCIETY (MMLS): MMLS has monthly meetings in Taylor, MI, study groups in lapidary, mineralogy, bead study and wire study, and sponsors the Super Swap and Sale in October.